Why You Should Add Meditation To Your Workout Routine – More Than Just A RelaxationAid
Why You Should Add Meditation. It is no secret that meditation can improve sporting performance, however the causes why are sometimes hard to comprehend. I have known people who meditate to control their emotions or to focus on positive thinking, however the only...
The Relationship Between Meditation and Health
The Relationship Between Meditation and Health. Meditation has been considered by many to be an important practice to enhance the well being of our bodies, minds and spirits. There is a large number of individuals who meditate or are currently undertaking...
What Does Meditation Mean? A Guide to Meditation in Breath
What Does Meditation Mean. Meditation is an increasingly popular way to both lower stress levels and increase wellbeing. This increasing popularity is in direct contrast with the misconceptions many people have about meditation and what it means. Many people feel...
Meditation – Depression
Meditation is a book written by Finnish author Petri Kippoor. In this book, Kippoor presents a unique view of how meditation can be a powerful weapon to fight against depression. The main thrust of the book is to help people achieve serenity and tranquility, which...
How Meditation Shifts Our Experience Of Physical Body
How Meditation Shifts Our Experience. The word meditation has become loosely used to describe a multitude of different techniques used as a means of obtaining mental stability and peace. Meditation is often misunderstood by most people as being a religious...